Sutton North Lib Dem Councillors

Cllr Sam Cumber, Cllr Ruth Dombey and Chris Hawton working hard for Sutton North all year round Learn more

Prince Regent pub recommended for Local Listing

by Sam, Ruth and Chris on 10 March, 2017

Council officers have recommended that the Prince Regent should be locally listed.  Members of the Housing, Economy and Business Committee of the Council will consider this recommendation at their meeting on Tues 21 March at 7.30pm.

Historic England advises that “creating a local heritage list is a way for local communities to identify and celebrate historic buildings”.  Sutton has held a local list of notable buildings for a number of years and, currently, it comprises 90 different buildings and structures.

The Council is limited in how it can protect locally listed buildings as planning permission is generally not required for demolition. The Council can require details on the method of demolition, and planning permission is only required for the demolition of buildings and structures over a certain size in a conversation area. Therefore, protection is generally limited to what is described in the Draft Local Plan: “The Council will encourage the retention, repair and reuse of Locally Listed Buildings and Structures.”

So committee support for the recommendation will be a way of stating the Council’s position, that this pub is identified as an historic building that should be retained.


3 Responses

  1. Trevor Hutchings says:

    I hope that the council will press for the Prince Regent,(previously The Cricketers) to be a Locally Listed building. I find it odd that new public houses/bars have been allowed to open the in Sutton south areas,whereas those in Sutton south are closed. The Rose and the Angel have been demolished,and the Dolphin has closed.Please don’t let the Prince Regent go the same way.

  2. Trevor Hutchings says:

    In my previous comment I meant to say – @whereas those in Sutton North are closed

  3. Hazel Gray says:

    The Prince Regent was built in 1790 and Mizen want to do what 2 hundred years could not. The location of the building next to the green is the only relief between Mizens monstrosity and Helena House which is the building which should be demolished.

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