Sutton North Lib Dem Councillors

Cllr Sam Cumber, Cllr Ruth Dombey and Chris Hawton working hard for Sutton North all year round Learn more


by Sam, Ruth and Chris on 18 October, 2021

Residents in Collingwood Road will have noticed the new speed signs which switch on ‘20mph’ when traffic exceeds the speed limit.  Initial impressions are that this may be having some effect, though it will be important that this is sustained.

Collingwood Road speed sign

Ruth Dombey was out with the police Community Speedwatch team recording the speed of traffic, and only five vehicles exceeded the limit in a half hour period, compared with twenty before the signs went in.  The registration numbers of speeding cars are noted and the police send them warning letters – three warning letters lead to a fine.  The Speedwatches have been taking place during the evening rush hour, but we are aware that speeding is also an issue in the evenings, when there is less traffic, so we are asking the police to run sessions then.

If there are residents in other roads concerned about speeding traffic, let us know so we can ask for more Speedwatches.

We have been very concerned at the safety of the Collingwood Road/ Chaucer Road junction.  The problem is that the traffic turning out of Chaucer Road has very poor sight lines, and there have been accidents and near-misses.  At our request traffic officers have looked at the junction and are proposing moving the ‘give way’ line forward, so it is in line with the parked cars.  It is hoped that it will not be necessary to remove any parking spaces, though this is being assessed as part of a safety check.  Once the traffic officers are happy with the proposal we will be consulting residents.

We continue to look to ways of enforcing the HGV restriction in the road, which is widely ignored by lorry drivers.  Council officers are working up proposals for a camera enforceable scheme, which would require cameras at both the by-pass and the Bushey Road ends of the road.  This will require liaison with TfL, and some changes to the existing Traffic Management Order which is the legal basis for the weight restriction and is now nearly 30 years old, to ensure enforcement is watertight.

We know that there are HGV problems on other roads too.  The whole of the area between Sutton town centre and the by-pass is subject to a weight restriction, and following on from the success of this scheme in Collingwood Road, we would want to extend the scheme to other roads.

The Conservatives have already signalled their opposition to this scheme.  

Following the disappointing news that TfL will only operate double deckers on the 80 route, the Council will be writing to them, at our request, to ask that the impact of this is monitored.

We are also pressing for the resurfacing of the second half of the road.  This is waiting for Thames Water to fix a blocked drain – to prevent them digging up a new road surface soon after it has been laid.  But we are keen to get this job done before the winter.

We are very concerned at the impact of the heavy traffic, in terms of the noise and vibrations, and also the pollution, all of which affect people’s lives and need to be addressed.  We will keep residents updated on these schemes.

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