Sutton North Lib Dem Councillors

Cllr Sam Cumber, Cllr Ruth Dombey and Chris Hawton working hard for Sutton North all year round Learn more

How to comment on planning applications

The following general advice may help if you wish to inspect and comment on a planning application:

Planning procedures

The Council cannot refuse or approve a proposal simply because many people oppose or support it.  Planning applications must be assessed against local and national planning policies.  The Council can consider issues such as:  undue loss of privacy or overlooking; loss of sunlight/daylight; effect on trees; access or traffic problems; need for car parking; unacceptable or incompatible use; noise; fumes; excessive height or bulk of buildings; inappropriate design/layout; and inadequate landscaping/means of enclosure.

How to comment on a planning application

Copies of current planning applications can be inspected using the Online Planning Register.  To submit your comments you will need to register online and submit them through the online planning registertutorial video guidance is available to show you how. Please note that your name and address will be posted online and available to view as part of the application once submitted, however the Council does not publish any personal email addresses or phone numbers you may have registered.

Anyone has the right to comment on an application.  Comments should be submitted as soon as possible.  Comments are best made after you have studied the planning application, when you have an understanding of what is proposed.

If several other people agree with your views you may wish to organise a petition which should be sent to the address above.  Petitions must clearly state the reasons for objection or support and must include the name and address of each individual and their signature.  The petition must also include the details of a person who can be contacted by the Council on behalf of the petitioner.

Most planning applications are decided by Planning Officers, who assess applications against the Council’s planning policies.  Significant applications and those where there is a lot of opposition are considered by the Planning Committee

Representatives who wish to speak in support of, or in opposition to, planning applications are able to address the Planning Committee at the discretion of the chairperson.  Further details are on the Planning section of the Council web site.  If you need help please contact your ward councillors.