Sutton North Lib Dem Councillors

Cllr Sam Cumber, Cllr Ruth Dombey and Chris Hawton working hard for Sutton North all year round Learn more

Encouraging cycling in Sutton North

by Sam, Ruth and Chris on 10 July, 2016

Sutton Council has been consulted over a proposal to bring a new ‘Quietway’ cycle route to Sutton.  The Transport for London’s initiative is designed to encourage new and nervous cyclists to use a network of residential roads for their journeys, to help reduce car use.

The proposal for Sutton links the town centre to Morden, via Benhill Wood Road, Elgin Road, Grennell Road, and then through Greenshaw woods.  We have pointed out that these roads are by no means ‘quiet’, as they are regularly used by cars, and of course the hills are not inviting for cyclists.  We understand the scheme will not involve cycle lanes, which would not work in these heavily parked roads, but would include new signage and the opportunity to make some of the junctions safer for cyclists, pedestrians and other road users.  The proposal comes with some TfL funding for this purpose.

The route proposed is already a local cycle route and some signage for this still exists.  We are keen to encourage more cycling, especially for students at Greenshaw, but also for residents generally, given the healthy benefits and the reduction in pollution that cycling brings.  Also we are keen to see some junction improvement at the junctions of Oakhill/Benhill Wood Roads; Benhill Wood/ Elgin Roads; and Elgin/Grennell/ All Saints, which the TfL funding might allow.  Also it would give weight to the case for a 20mph speed restriction.  So we would want to support this initiative.

Please let us know what you think of the proposal by the end of July.


Ruth, Marlene and Steve


2 Responses

  1. Sue Suratia says:

    Elgin Road is a busy cut through & the drivers of quite a lot of vehicles turning into Elgin Road from the roundabout end regularly put their foot down & speed up Elgin Road of speeds well in excess of 40/50 miles per hour. Some airheads even faster.
    As much as I loath traffic calming measures about 4 humps the length of Elgin Road would put paid to these dangerous drivers who are hell bent on using the road as a speed track.
    Maybe you could arrange for the traffic division to put in speed cameras for a few weeks to monitor the situation they will soon have their evidence.
    Elgin Road is already used by a large number of cyclists as you know. It is also used by school children attending Greenshaw & All Saints.
    How an accident has not happened is short of a miricle. Preventative measures are now required for the Health & Safety of other road users & pedestrians.

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