Sutton North Lib Dem Councillors

Cllr Sam Cumber, Cllr Ruth Dombey and Chris Hawton working hard for Sutton North all year round Learn more

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Southfields Court development recommended for approval

by Sam, Ruth and Chris on 21 February, 2017

Officers are recommending that a proposal for a two storey block of 8 one-bedroom flats in the garage area behind Southfield Court, Sutton Common Road is approved by the Planning Committee due to meet on 22 February.

A previous application was turned down as the parking was insufficient, but this appears to have been addressed.  The applicant has demonstrated that the existing garages are not sold with existing flats but are commercially let, with only three being used by existing residents.  Also the application includes additional parking for the new flats.

Residents have been consulted by the Council and have raised concerns about loss of light, outlook, privacy and concerns about noise and disturbance and impact on the character of the area, as well as the parking concern.  Planning officers have advised that the distance from neighbouring properties is in line with policies and guidance, so as not to create undue impact.





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