Sutton North Lib Dem Councillors

Cllr Sam Cumber, Cllr Ruth Dombey and Chris Hawton working hard for Sutton North all year round Learn more

Planning application for a day nursery at St Helier Hospital

by Sam, Ruth and Chris on 24 September, 2017

A planning application (No: B2017/77893/FUL)  has been received to build a single storey day nursery and play scheme at the back of St Helier Hospital  The proposal includes classrooms, baby sleep rooms and associated accommodation together with buggy and refuse stores, landscaping with external play areas and fencing up to 2.13m in height.  The application can be viewed on the Council web site.

A similar planning application was approved in 2013, but not proceeded with.  The new application is for a larger scale building, though still single storey.

When it is operational, access to the nursery (apart from emergency access) will only be through the hospital site.  However vehicle access during construction (planned to take 28 weeks) will be through Rosewood Grove, via Rosehill Park West.  If the application is approved the hospital have committed to further consultation with residents on the details of the construction plan.

The application seeks approval for works between 8am and 6pm weekdays and 8am and 1pm Saturdays, with no work on Sundays or public holidays.

At present the application will be decided by planning officers according to local policies, unless there are more than ten objections,  in which case it will be decided by Committee.

Any comments need to be received by the planning department by 10 October.  The next meetings of the Planning Committee are on 15 Nov and 13 Dec.

Guidance on how to comment on planning applications is here.

We will monitor comments on this application, and ensure that is it is approved, the disruption during the building period are kept to a minimum.





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