Cllr Sam Cumber, Cllr Ruth Dombey and Chris Hawton working hard for Sutton North all year round Learn more
by Sam, Ruth and Chris on 3 February, 2018
Following requests from Local Councillors, Ruth, Marlene and Steve, the Council’s Environment and Neighbourhoods Committee has allocated funding for the coming financial year for two important road safety schemes.
The first is in Collingwood Road and follows requests from Westbourne School and residents in the road to help reduce traffic speeds and increase safety for parents and children walking to school.
The second scheme will improve safety for pedestrians crossing Oakhill Road at the busy junction with the High St.
It is getting more difficult to find money for these schemes. The funding comes from Transport for London, and their budget has been severely cut back as part of the Government’s austerity programme, resulting in reduced funding for road safety schemes in Sutton.
Details of these two schemes will now be drawn up for consultation with residents.
Ruth, Marlene and Steve
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