Sutton North Lib Dem Councillors

Cllr Sam Cumber, Cllr Ruth Dombey and Chris Hawton working hard for Sutton North all year round Learn more

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Planning application to develop Woodend allotments rejected

by Sam, Ruth and Chris on 5 February, 2018

The planning application (B2017/76180)  to build  on the former allotments between Woodend and Greenhill has been refused.   The application proposed building two 5 – bedroomed, four 4 – bedroomed and two 3 – bedroomed two storey houses with roof accommodation together with 21 car parking spaces, vehicular access from Woodend and associated landscaping.  It also included provision of open space and allotment plots.

The application has been rejected by Sutton Council.  The Council decided that ‘The proposed development would result in the unacceptable loss of Urban Green Space without providing equivalent or better provision in terms of quantity and quality in a suitable location. Furthermore the proposed development would also result in the loss of land which has a lawful use as allotments.’

The applicant did seek pre-application advice, but the application was decided to be unacceptable in principle. Planning officers have stated that the application cannot be amended to comply with the relevant planning policies. Sutton Council therefore has had no alternative but to refuse planning permission.

The protection of this land as Urban Green Space by the Borough should be firm protection, but the applicant has the right (within six months) to appeal to the government’s planning inspector.

We will continue to keep you informed on this and other local issues.


Ruth, Marlene and Steve


2 Responses

  1. George Phillips says:

    Thank you for the notice regarding the application to build on an allotment site. The policy to maintain green urban spaces is excellent and should be enforced so that people in the borough have access to these places to reconnect with nature and to grow their own produce. I would venture to suggest that there are many brown field sites where light industry formerly went on and where new housing could comfortably be built without too much impact on the environment. Why not develop these sites before trashing more of our green spaces?

    • Ruth, Marlene, and Steve says:

      Thanks George. the Council does maintain a list of brown field sites which is available to developers for such purposes.


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