Sutton North Lib Dem Councillors

Cllr Sam Cumber, Cllr Ruth Dombey and Chris Hawton working hard for Sutton North all year round Learn more

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Next Sutton Local Committee

by Sam, Ruth and Chris on 2 September, 2018

The next Sutton Local Committee is on Thurs 6 Sept at 7pm at the Salvation Army hall, Benhill Ave.  It is attended by local Councillors from the Sutton area, and representatives of community groups.  All residents are warmly welcomed and given the chance to ask questions on any local issue at a public question time.  You do not need to submit questions in advance.


There will be a update on the Northern Gateway Market Place Sutton project.  The Council secured funding for these improvements in 2015, and, following consultation with shoppers, residents and traders, improvements have been delivered to the shop frontages and upper facades, local art students have made the alleyways more colourful and welcoming, there has been improved seating and there has been a series of successful events.


The meeting will also include a presentation on latest progress with the TfL proposal to bring the tramlink to Sutton.


There will be a discussion on how to make Local Committees even more successful, following feedback from community representatives.


The Committee will consider the Public Realm budget, including whether to approve spending on additional litter bins in the High St opposite Sutton Green, and replacing a street tree in Lymescote Gardens.


So a lot here of interest to us all.  We look forward to seeing you all there.


The agenda and papers are available online at:


Ruth, Marlene and Steve

PS  The meeting will not discuss the changes in street parking which are part of the parking strategy.  These will be discussed at a special meeting to be held on Mon 15 October at 7pm at the Salvation Army – more on this in due course.

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