Cllr Sam Cumber, Cllr Ruth Dombey and Chris Hawton working hard for Sutton North all year round Learn more
by Sam, Ruth and Chris on 26 September, 2018
Marlene and Steve were out again in Collingwood Road, supported by the police at Wednesday lunchtime, as part of Community Speedwatch.
Using a hand held speed camera in just one hour they identified 23 cars exceeding the 20 mph speed limit. The police will be writing to the owners of the cars to warn them of their excessive speed and fining some of them.
This is the second time your local councillors have been out with a speed camera in this road. The presence of Speedwatch teams on the street deters motorists from driving at speed, and the follow up letters and fines make it clear that this is dangerous.
Ruth, Marlene and Steve have also been working with Westbourne Primary School and residents on proposals to make safety improvements in Collingwood Road and around the entrance to the school in Anton Crescent. The Council will be consulting you about this in the coming weeks, so look out for the letter and make you let us have your views.
Steve, Marlene and Ruth will be organising further Speedwatch events with the police in the ward. If you would like your road to be covered, please let us know.
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