Sutton North Lib Dem Councillors

Cllr Sam Cumber, Cllr Ruth Dombey and Chris Hawton working hard for Sutton North all year round Learn more

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Collingwood Road: proposals to address road safety

by Sam, Ruth and Chris on 16 November, 2018

Residents in the Collingwood Road area will shortly be consulted on proposals to improve safety in the road.  Many people have raised concerns with us about speeding traffic and heavy lorries. There are particular concerns for parents taking their children to Westbourne School.  Look out for a letter from the Council explaining the proposals, which include:

Width restrictions with give-ways to replace existing refuge islands and speed cushions

There have been several complaints about the noise and vibration caused by traffic driving at speed over the cushions.  Parents have said they feel vulnerable while crossing at the refuge islands.  Width restrictions will improve sightlines and provide more space for pedestrians and a shorter distance to cross.  In addition, it avoids the danger of cars driving on the wrong side of the refuge islands.

Reversal of the one-way on Anton Crescent

The congestion around the school entrance in Anton Crescent is a particular safety concern.  The current direction of one-way on Anton Crescent results makes this worse, and at times impacts the flow of traffic on Collingwood Road.  Reversing the direction will provide more queuing space for school traffic on Anton Crescent and minimise the impact on Collingwood Road.

Improvement to walking routes leading to school

The area adjacent to the school entrance will be raised. It is proposed to surface the existing grass verge on Anton Crescent adjacent to No. 298 Collingwood Road and widen the pavement from the entrance to the Wetlands access leading up to the school entrance to improve walking routes.

Raised junction entries

The raised entry treatments at the southern junction of Anton Crescent, and the junctions of Alexandra Avenue and Chaucer Road, with Collingwood Road will provide a level surface for pedestrians when crossing side roads and will help to slow down the in and out movement of traffic.

Signage and road markings

School warning signs, elderly crossing, weight restriction, bridge height and speed limit signs will be reviewed and adjusted or new ones provided where necessary.  20mph roundels will be refreshed and more added to emphasize the speed limit in the area.  Some work on these will commence as soon as possible.

We have successfully bid against other projects for the funding for these improvements, which will, if agreed, be implemented partly in this financial year, and partly after April.  If the scheme does not proceed the funding will be reallocated to other schemes, and it is doubtful we would be able to find the necessary funding for some years, which is why it is vitally important that everyone replies to this consultation.

You can see details of the plans, and comment on them at this link.

Plans of the proposal will also be made available at Sutton Library reception during the consultation period (opening hours only) where you will be able to provide a written response.

Please let the let the Council have your views. If you don’t respond, no action will be taken.




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