Sutton North Lib Dem Councillors

Cllr Sam Cumber, Cllr Ruth Dombey and Chris Hawton working hard for Sutton North all year round Learn more

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Ward boundary review

by Sam, Ruth and Chris on 13 January, 2020

Every few years the independent Local Government Boundary Commission reviews the ward boundaries, to make sure they reflect local communities as far as possible, and also to make sure that all the wards are roughly of the same size – important when housing developments lead to population growth.

The Commission is reviewing the boundaries for Sutton and has produced draft proposals on which it is asking for comments.   The proposals largely follow proposals submitted by Sutton Council.  There is little change proposed for Sutton North, the main one being its inclusion of Collingwood Recreation Ground, and the houses on the edge in Oldfields Road.  We welcome this as many of the issues around the Recreation Ground are of interest to residents of Collingwood Road, and also it will help our initiative to resurrect a Friends group for the park.

However, the Commission is also proposing to change the south-eastern boundary of the ward so that it runs in the middle of the road, along the length of Oakhill Road.  We will be asking for the whole of Oakhill Road to remain in Sutton North:  the issues of traffic and parking in this road are ones that are shared by all residents, and there is an evident community here which should not be split by having different councillor representation.

If you have views on the Boundary Review please let the Commission have your views by 16 March.

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