Sutton North Lib Dem Councillors

Cllr Sam Cumber, Cllr Ruth Dombey and Chris Hawton working hard for Sutton North all year round Learn more

Cycleway update

by Sam, Ruth and Chris on 22 February, 2020

The first stage of the cycle way – the part through Greenshaw woods to the Rose Hill park West/ Grennell Road junction is to go ahead. Further details of this are here.

There was very little response to the Council’s consultation, and the work will begin in June, giving the park time to dry out. The work includes a raised table at the Rose Hill Park Road/ Grennell Road junction.

Entrance to Greenshaw Woods

Residents in the area will shortly be receiving letters about the rest of the scheme, which is to link Morden and Sutton with a cycleway along Grennell Road, Elgin Road and Benhill Wood Road. A residents’ survey undertaken in the area in June 2017 showed 65% of respondents thought there was too much traffic in the area, 70% thought the borough should be doing more to address air quality and 87% thought the borough should be doing more to encourage walking and cycling to school.

A traffic survey showed that nearly 80% of traffic on this route is cut -through traffic. In light of the results of that survey the Council has been working on proposals to improve the area. The scheme could introduce a 20mph speed limit, and look at ways to reduce the volume of non-local traffic and improving pedestrian facilities to benefit residents in the area.

The Council is arranging drop-in sessions –

Salvation Army Hall, Benhill Avenue – Tuesday 3rd March, between 12 noon – 2.30pm

All Saints Benhilton C of E Primary School All Saints Road  – Tuesday 3rd March, between 5pm – 7.30pm

Salvation Army Hall, Benhill Avenue – Wednesday 4th March, between  5pm and 7.30pm

The consultation on this scheme will run until 23rd March. We will update you when we have more details.

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