Cllr Sam Cumber, Cllr Ruth Dombey and Chris Hawton working hard for Sutton North all year round Learn more
by Sam, Ruth and Chris on 16 October, 2020
Gas company SGN have told us that this junction will close from Saturday 24 October for approximately 9 days.
While the work on this junction has been carried out, they have discovered that additional work is required. They will aim to complete the project during the half term holiday to minimise disruption.
As a result of the closure, motorists will be unable to turn from the By-pass into Collingwood Road. Motorists will also be unable to exit Collingwood Road onto the By- pass – signed diversions will be in place. At our request SGN have agreed to additional diversion signs at the junctions of Bushey Road with the High St and Crown Road with St Nicholas Way. We hope this will prevent traffic from entering residential roads and then having to turn back.
The 80 bus will be diverted from the High St along Rose Hill to the Rosehill roundabout and then back down the by pass to Sutton Common Road.
Traffic flow will be maintained in both directions along the A217 Oldfields Road, however they will need to reduce the southbound carriageway at this junction, to access the gas pipe safely. The existing traffic light system at this junction will also be replaced with temporary signals.
Pedestrian access will be maintained, and they will install a temporary cycle lane around our work area for cyclists. SGN will be working extended hours, including weekends to complete this project as quickly as possible.
SGN have expressed theirs to residents, businesses and road users for their continued patience and understanding while they carry out this essential work.
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