Sutton North Lib Dem Councillors

Cllr Sam Cumber, Cllr Ruth Dombey and Chris Hawton working hard for Sutton North all year round Learn more

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Proposals to modify the North Sutton Low Traffic Neighbourhoods scheme

by Sam, Ruth and Chris on 17 November, 2020

Residents have told us of the impact that the Low Traffic Neighbourhoods scheme is having on adjoining roads.  We have been looking at the impacts ourselves and talking with residents affected.  The roads worst affected are Woodside Road, Woodend, Greenhill and Aultone Way.  There are also concerns about traffic using Danescourt Crescent as a turn round.

We have discussed with Council officers some possible modifications to the scheme which will reduce these impacts, and we are currently consulting with the residents most affected.  If the Council makes these changes, we hope they can be implemented quickly, as part of the trial, and before the next traffic monitoring exercise which is due to take place early in the New Year.  This will enable the modified scheme to be evaluated in the spring, and a decision taken as to whether it should continue or be stopped.

The potential modifications (after discussions with residents) are:

  • Close Woodside Road to through traffic (either at the top or the bottom); the closure could be at all times, or weekdays only;
  • or put in place a No Right Turn into Oakhill Road at the bottom of Woodside Road and a No Left Turn into the road from Oakhill Road;
  • or make Woodside Road one way; or just one way at the junction with Oakhill Road.
  • close Woodend at its junction with All Saints Road;
  • create a turning circle at the top of Aultone Way – to enable school traffic to more easily use the routes via Rose Hill Park West and Rosehill Gardens, and relieve the pressure on Aultone Way.
  • Close Danescourt Crescent at one end;
  • or make Danescourt Cresent a school street (closed to non-resident vehicles at school opening and closing times).
  • put in place a No Left Turn out of Monksdene Gardens into All Saints Road, and a No Right Turn into Monksdene.

In addition we are looking for improvements at the Oakhill Road/ High St junction, and also with the phasing of the Angell Hill/ All Saints Road traffic lights, where we are also pressing for a pedestrian phase.

Baseline traffic survey data (for the period immediately before the trial was put in place) have now been published by the Council here. We are expecting the October data to be published towards the end of December or early January.

If residents have any views on these proposals please feed them in to the Council’s consultation process here.

Ruth, Marlene and Steve

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