Sutton North Lib Dem Councillors

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Construction of new Day Nursery for St Helier Hospital will affect traffic in Rosewood Gardens and Rose Hill Park West

by Sam, Ruth and Chris on 1 February, 2021

Planning permission was granted (application number C2017/78663) in May 2018 for a Day Nursery on the land at the back of St Helier hospital, adjoining Rosewood Grove.  One of the conditions of the planning permission is that work on the construction should begin within three years, ie by this May.

Please see here for the publicity we gave to the plans at the time.

The Council’s planning department has now received the Construction logistics and management plans for this development (C2017/78663), suggesting that work may start within the three year deadline.  These plans are important, as although once operational, access to the nursery will be solely from the hospital side, it is not possible to bring in construction vehicles that way, and construction access will be through Rosewood Grove.  Construction is expected to take just over six months.  Deliveries will be directed via Rose Hill Park West.

All of these plans can be seen by logging in to the Planning register.  

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