Cllr Sam Cumber, Cllr Ruth Dombey and Chris Hawton working hard for Sutton North all year round Learn more
by Sam, Ruth and Chris on 8 March, 2021
Sutton’s Planning Committee granted planning permission on 3 March for nine two storey houses with accommodation at roof level together with parking, a new vehicle access from Woodend, landscaping, provision of open space, a pavilion and allotment plots.
For further details of the application (No. DM2019/00322) see our post in June last year
Residents will be aware of the history of this site within an important conservation area and how many times the Council has refused various planning applications from different private developers. Your councillors understand the strength of local feeling and have always supported the residents in their bid to protect this land. Sadly this development met all the requirements of planning regulations so planning officers had to recommend to grant the application.
Discussion of this controversial application began at the February meeting of the committee, was adjourned, and continued at the March meeting. The application had attracted considerable opposition from local residents who had begun to create a fund to buy back the site. Rob Yuille (Chair of the Garden Suburb Residents Association) and Cllr Steve Penneck both spoke against the proposal. Steve argued that the development was not in character with the existing houses in this Conservation Area, that the proposal is contrary to the Urban Green Space designation of the site in the Local Plan, and that the houses would be visible, above the bungalows in Woodend.
Other concerns raised by residents included the flood risk and the loss of wildlife. The Planning Committee raised concerns about the extent of parking provided for allotment holders in the site and the amount of woodland that would be retained. The applicant committed to further discussion with the Residents Association on these points. There was also concern about the gated access for the new residents, at the Woodend entrance, which will be closed at night.
The Committee agreed the application on a majority vote. Residents will be concerned about the disruption and nuisance during the construction of this development. This will be governed by a Construction Management and Logistics Plan, to be agreed with the Planning Department before any site clearance work can begin. We have asked for there to be some consultation with residents on these issues.
Ruth, Marlene and Steve
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