Cllr Sam Cumber, Cllr Ruth Dombey and Chris Hawton working hard for Sutton North all year round Learn more
by Sam, Ruth and Chris on 26 March, 2021
The Conservative government has approved the new school on Rosehill Park, overturning Sutton’s decision to refuse planning permission because of the poor design, including classrooms without windows.
This is despite the Minister agreeing that the design of the school does not meet Sutton’s standards, and ‘would have a harmful impact on the visual setting’ of the park. They accept the school appears institutional, and would diminish the openness of the park.
Despite such a damning verdict on the proposal, the Conservative Minister approved it as he ‘did not consider that the harm justified a refusal of permission.’ He gave ‘great weight in favour of the proposal to the additional
secondary school places and significant weight to the additional SEN places’.
The need for school places changes over time, but the buildings could be there for fifty or more years. A school that the Conservatives acknowledge is ‘harmful’ will stand as a memorial to their disgraceful planning policy.
A copy of the government announcement is here.
Ruth, Marlene and Steve
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