Sutton North Lib Dem Councillors

Cllr Sam Cumber, Cllr Ruth Dombey and Chris Hawton working hard for Sutton North all year round Learn more

New planning application for Helena House

by Sam, Ruth and Chris on 22 August, 2021

Residents will be familiar with the planning history of this site.  Last year the developer put in a planning application to add two further storeys on the roof for flats, with no improvements to the rest of the building.  Your ward councillors objected and the Council turned it down. 

Prior to that the developer proposed demolition of the building and construction of a part 5/ part 8 storey block of flats.  This has also been refused, because of the scale and massing of the building, the blank wall on the northern side (the visible approach from Angel Hill), and the lack of public realm or public benefits to offset the scale of the building.  

The developer has taken this to appeal, but the appeal has not been heard yet – we are still waiting.  

Now, an application has been put in for a change of use to flats.  This would retain the existing building, so no extra height, and would provide new facades and roof.  This application No. DM2021/00899 has not yet been assessed.  It can be found on the planning website

There would be retail, commercial or community use at ground floor, and 25 flats above. There are a mixture of four 3-bed, six 2-bed and 1-bed flats, with recessed balconies.  The proposals include a communal garden and play space for residents.  In common with the requirements of the London Plan, there is no parking provision, except for disabled.

We have been very frustrated about the lack of progress with Helena House, which has become an eyesore over the years.  We are looking for a good quality scheme here, given its key position opposite the Green.  We will keep residents updated on progress with this new application.

Ruth, Marlene and Steve

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