Sutton North Lib Dem Councillors

Cllr Sam Cumber, Cllr Ruth Dombey and Chris Hawton working hard for Sutton North all year round Learn more

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by Sam, Ruth and Chris on 8 October, 2021

A further planning application (No. DM2021/01642) has now been received for this site.  The application is for the erection of 9 two-storey dwellings, together with parking, new vehicular access from Woodend, associated landscaping, provision of open space, pond, informal play space, and allotment plots.

The application can be seen at the Planning website here.  Any comments must be submitted to the Planning website by 20 October.

Residents will know that a similar application (No. DM2019/00322) to build nine houses on the site was approved by the Planning Committee in March, despite the opposition of your ward councillors.  See here for details.  We argued that the development was not in character with the existing houses in this Conservation Area, that the proposal was contrary to the Urban Green Space designation of the site in the Local Plan, and that the houses would be visible, above the bungalows in Woodend.

At the March meeting the Planning Committee raised concerns about the extent of parking provided for allotment holders in the site and the amount of woodland that would be retained.  There was concern that the proposed playground would incur high maintenance charges that would eventually need to be met by the residents or the Council.  The applicant committed to further discussion with the Sutton Garden Suburb Residents Association on these points.  These discussions have continued in the last few months, and the residents association has recently been consulting its members on these points.

The new planning application differs from that approved in March in a number of ways, including:

  • The number of bedrooms is reduced to three, with no accommodation at roof level
  • A reduction in parking spaces
  • Removal of the children’s playground
  • An increase in the number of allotments and the area of meadow grass

Please let the planning department have your comments on this new application as soon as possible, through the planning website.  See here for instructions.

Many thanks to all the residents and the Sutton Garden Suburb Residents Association for working closely with the Council and the developer to resolve the numerous issues. We are glad to see that the developer seems to be listening to our concerns and the new planning application reflects some of these discussions. Please let us know your views on this latest application so we can lobby on your behalf.

Ruth, Marlene and Steve

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