Cllr Sam Cumber, Cllr Ruth Dombey and Chris Hawton working hard for Sutton North all year round Learn more
by Sam, Ruth and Chris on 28 November, 2021
Although Sutton Council is good at responding to residents’ requests to clear up flytipping, it has not been so active in identifying and prosecuting the culprits.
A new enforcement team has now been commissioned to patrol the streets of Sutton, and to identify, investigate and take action against all types of fly tipping. They will also enforce against other environmental crimes including littering, dog fouling and bins left out on the highway (on non-collection days. Action by the team will lead to fines.
A recent resident survey shows that there are high levels of support for enforcement:
The introduction of enforcement officers follows on from last year’s campaign to raise awareness (‘Let’s SCRAP fly tipping’). That campaign targeted known fly tipping hotspots with banners, leaflet drops etc. The targeted work was supported by a comprehensive social media campaign.
The residents’ survey also provided respondents with the opportunity to highlight specific locations in the borough where fly tipping and street cleanliness are a problem. This feedback will be used to help target enforcement where it is needed most.
To report flytipping and areas which need a litter pick use the Report It facility on the Council’s website.
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