Sutton North Lib Dem Councillors

Cllr Sam Cumber, Cllr Ruth Dombey and Chris Hawton working hard for Sutton North all year round Learn more

October Update

by Sam, Ruth and Chris on 13 October, 2022

Another month has passed and your local Lib Dem team have been busy. Here are some of the things we have done:

  • Tackling flooding at The Green.
  • Continuing to tackle graffiti and litter at Helena House.
  • Helped keep our streets clean and tidy by removing weeds at Rectory Road, unblocking drains at Chester Close and reporting fly tipping along Sutton Common Road.
  • Attended and helped out at the Rosehill Park Fun Day.
  • Attended Sutton African & Caribbean Cultural Organisation’s (SAACO) Black History Month launch event.

The Sutton Local Committee took place on 10 October. There was a presentation by Sutton Community Farm about the work they do. There was also a discussion about the regeneration of the High Street. The next Sutton Local Committee will lake place in November and we will update you when the next one is.

At Scrutiny Committee on 12 October, Sam questioned council officers about alternative funding for the detention basin in Rosehill Park.

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