Sutton North Lib Dem Councillors

Cllr Sam Cumber, Cllr Ruth Dombey and Chris Hawton working hard for Sutton North all year round Learn more

Plans to improve the north end of the High Street

by on 22 January, 2016

We thought you would like to know of the plans to update and improve the northern end of the High St.

The development of the Old Gas Works site – due to be finished with a new Sainsbury’s by the end of this year – will lead to a much improved High St on the corner with Crown Road.  The plans include a new square with cafes and shops.

Ruth, Marlene and Steve in the High St

Ruth, Marlene and Steve in the High St

By comparison the part of the High St from Marshalls Road to Benhill Road (outside Asda and beyond) has become unattractive, with a number of empty shops.
Sutton Council has sought funding from the GLA to make improvements to this area.  For more details see:
The plans are still developing.  They build on a consultation with shoppers a few months ago.  The Council is talking with local shop owners to increase the take up of shops, improve shop frontages and make temporary use of empty shops.  There are also plans to rejuvenate the market and tidy up the street scene.
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