Sutton North Lib Dem Councillors

Cllr Sam Cumber, Cllr Ruth Dombey and Chris Hawton working hard for Sutton North all year round Learn more

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Planning application: Land rear of 91 Rose Hill Park West turned down

by Sam, Ruth and Chris on 23 January, 2019

The planning application to erect a detached four bedroomed house with a new access from Grennell Road has been refused by Sutton Council.  A previous application for a house on this site was turned down by the Council in 2017.

The officers have given several reasons for refusing the application.   These include:

  • it would result in a development that would appear severely cramped in its setting, representing an overdevelopment of this restricted site and would fail to respect the existing form and pattern of development in the area;
  • the proposed design of the part one and part two storey dwelling would fail to respect or improve the character of the area;
  • its limited size and close proximity to a nearby protected oak tree would fail to provide adequate external amenity for future occupiers; and
  • it would result in a substantial degree of harm to the significance of the existing trees.

The full refusal notice is here.

Your Lib Dem Council has developed strong policies to resist back garden development to retain the suburban character of our area, favouring instead housing development in the town centre to meet housing need.

We will keep residents informed of further developments at this site.  It is possible for the applicant to appeal.

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