Sutton North Lib Dem Councillors

Cllr Sam Cumber, Cllr Ruth Dombey and Chris Hawton working hard for Sutton North all year round Learn more

A new planning application has been received form the allotment land to the rear of Woodend and Greenhill

by Sam, Ruth and Chris on 23 March, 2019

A proposal for the erection of nine two storey houses with accommodation at roof level together with open space, pavilion and allotment plots has been received by the Planning Department.

It can be viewed at the planning web site here. Comments must be sent to the Planning Dept by 22 April (this was 12 A pril but has been changed due to the delay in getting the site notices erected). Guidance on how to do this is here.

An earlier application for development of this site was refused early last year. The site is designated as Urban Green Space, which means that development would be refused unless it can demonstrate that it would preserve or enhance its character, its function as a recreational resource or its contribution to visual amenity.

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