Cllr Sam Cumber, Cllr Ruth Dombey and Chris Hawton working hard for Sutton North all year round Learn more
by Sam, Ruth and Chris on 29 March, 2019
All open spaces are being considered for additional protection against occupation by travellers. Following a rise in unauthorised encampments on Council land last year, and the gaining of an injunction to provide further powers to the Council, there will be a programme of protective works to parks. These include extra safeguarding for Chaucer Gardens and Rosehill Park. Sutton Green is a particularly exposed site, visible from the High Street, and extra security measures will be sensitively deployed. There will be a new fence along Bushey Road (similar to that across the road at Victoria Gardens), more bollards at the Stayton Road entrance, and some fallen logs among the trees at the far side of the Green.
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