Sutton North Lib Dem Councillors

Cllr Sam Cumber, Cllr Ruth Dombey and Chris Hawton working hard for Sutton North all year round Learn more

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Final consultation for Aultone Way/ Woodend/ Greenhill residents’ parking scheme published

by Sam, Ruth and Chris on 6 July, 2019

The final parking consultation (Traffic Management Orders/TMOs) for the new Permit Parking Area has now been published and is available for comment and objections.

It is proposed that the scheme operates between 8am – 6.30pm Monday to Saturday. It will cover Aultone Way, Woodend, Greenhill, Meadow Close, Horse Shoe Green, Hawthorne Close and Oak Close.  Roseacre Close and Kendal Gardens are outside the scheme, but the proposal allows residents there to purchase permits for the neighbouring roads if they wish to.

If you wish to view all the statutory documents please select this link.  Note that the Council’s proposals cover six other permit parking areas, as well as that based around Aultone Way. The others are three near St Helier Hospital, two near Hackbridge station, and one near Carshalton Station.

The above link takes you to a single very long document which covers all seven schemes. For ease we have extracted the relevant maps here:

If you wish to respond to the TMO proposals you can do so by completing this form by Thursday 25th July 2019. Note that there are several schemes undergoing consultation. The one in our area is called ‘Aultone Way Sutton, PPA AW’.

A PPA is an area where parking is restricted to residents or visitors who have permits. The area would be designated by signs at the junctions with Grennell Road, Rose Hill and All Saints Road, but there are generally no parking bays or yellow lines.
This means that residents can continue to park over their own driveways if they wish, and the scheme will not detract from the conservation area. It is proposed that the PPA will be from 8am to 6.30pm Mon to Sat, and will be enforced by parking wardens to ensure that those without parking permits cannot park. All within the area, whether they buy permits or not, will be entitled to 50 hours free visitors’ parking permits. Full details of how a PPA works are on the Council’s web site.

In addition the Council is proposing double yellow lines around the two roundabouts in Aultone Way and at the entrance to Kendal Gardens, for road safety reasons; on the bend in Greenhill, and around the island junction of Greenhill and Woodend, to provide better access for emergency and refuse vehicles, etc.

There has been extensive consultation on the parking issues in the area over the last 18 months and the Council’s proposals have been modified in response to residents’ views. Please make sure you respond to this, which will be the final consultation, whether you support the proposals or not.
If you support the proposals, please do not assume that they will go forward – they will not unless you express your support. If you oppose the proposals please state the nature of your objection and whether you would propose any changes.

More general information about this consultation is available on the Council web site.

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