Cllr Sam Cumber, Cllr Ruth Dombey and Chris Hawton working hard for Sutton North all year round Learn more
by Sam, Ruth and Chris on 15 March, 2022
Sutton Council has refused planning permission to add two extra storeys on top of Helena House. Planning application DM2021/02062 sought prior approval to add two new floors to provide 12 self contained flats.
The proposal was refused as planning officers decided that ‘the proposed external appearance of the two-storey addition would constitute a discordant and obtrusive feature conflicting with design of the principal or main elevation of the host building facing the High Street.’
This location faces the historic Sutton Green at the entrance to the town centre, and is a key site. There has been a history of planning applications, none of which has been satisfactory. The earlier planning history is here. The developers have already been granted planning permission by the Government’s planning inspector for a part 8 storey block of flats (the current building is six storeys), but they keep putting in further applications for larger developments. In the meantime the graffiti grows and the rubbish outside piles up. Council officers are trying to get the owners to clear the front of the building and get it properly boarded up.
We would all like this eye-sore site developed, but we need a high quality development which pays attention to its important location opposite the Green, and at the entrance to the town centre. It’s a pity that developers and the Government’s Inspector do not share our ambition for our local area.
We continue to take a close interest in the three planning applications to develop the Topps Tiles site. Details are here. We have already objected to these proposals for flats of up to six storeys, using the Topps Tiles site and the car park to the back, on the grounds of overdevelopment of this site, and have concerns about the impact of the poor design on the High St and Victoria Gardens. We will keep you updated on these application.
Ruth, Marlene and Steve
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