Cllr Sam Cumber, Cllr Ruth Dombey and Chris Hawton working hard for Sutton North all year round Learn more
by Sam, Ruth and Chris on 20 January, 2024
Residents in the affected areas should have received a letter from the council outlining the proposal for a Traffic Management Order in Collingwood Road.
The proposal is to introduce entry points for ‘no access’ except for loading/unloading purposes, prohibiting all goods vehicles with a maximum gross vehicle weight exceeding 7.5 tonnes from entering Collingwood Road between its junctions with Bushey Road and its north-western junction of Anton Crescent, to enable effective camera enforcement for this length of road.
After taking in responses from the informal consultation, the major difference in these proposals is that the 7.5T weight restriction in the Bushey Road area will NOT be removed.
You can read up on the Traffic Management Order here which also includes a map, showing where the cameras will be and the places where the 7.5T restrictions will be.
The consultation is open until 8 February. Click here to respond to the consultation.
1 Comment
I am a residence in Bushey Road. I strongly agreed the 7.5 tonnes vehicle is prohibited in Bushey road as well. Besides, please consider to add the camera and road sign in Bushey Road also, because Bushey road is the only way connect to Collingwood from High street. If the HGV doesn’t know from high street and gone through Bushey Road, the HGV need turn back with limited spaces and cause much danger to people living around.