Sutton North Lib Dem Councillors

Cllr Sam Cumber, Cllr Ruth Dombey and Chris Hawton working hard for Sutton North all year round Learn more

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Residents in Ranfurly Road consulted on footway parking

by Sam, Ruth and Chris on 14 December, 2016

Residents in Ranfurly Road and adjacent properties are currently being consulted on a scheme to allow partial footway parking in sections of the road.  Sutton Local Committee agreed in September, that if the scheme were supported, funding to enable its implementation would be agreed.

We have been trying for some time to find a solution to the parking and access difficulties in Ranfurly Road.  Due to the narrowness of the road, there have been occasions where parked vehicles have suffered damage from passing traffic.  In addition, there have been representations from the emergency services where access has been severely obstructed by parked vehicles. Refuse vehicles have also experienced access difficulties.

The proposal shown on this plan T10150/S/01 aims to address these access issues.

The proposal is to convert sections of grass verges to hardstanding to allow partial footway parking along the eastern kerbline of Ranfurly Road as shown on the plan.  This will in turn allow an increased carriageway width for larger vehicles to pass. The proposal impacts on 3 street lighting columns which will require relocation. Sufficient clearance to existing trees will be provided, however, there are 2 trees which are identified as declining in condition and can be removed and new replacement trees provided.

It is not Council policy to remove grass verges for parking, but in this case, given the severity of the difficulties,  the Committee has agreed to make an exception.


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