Sutton North Lib Dem Councillors

Cllr Sam Cumber, Cllr Ruth Dombey and Chris Hawton working hard for Sutton North all year round Learn more

Update on Garden Suburb allotments planning application

by Sam, Ruth and Chris on 5 February, 2017

The planning application to build on the former allotment site between Woodend and Greenhill has been declared invalid.
The application described the development as six 4 bed and two 3 bedroom houses, while the plans submitted with the application showed that they were two 5 bedroom,  four 4 bedroom and two 3 bedroom houses.
We pointed out this discrepancy when we inspected the plans, as did a number of residents.
This means that the application is on hold.  The applicant has been asked to correct the documentation.  When they have done this and it is clear what the application is for, the consultation period will start again, and residents will be notified again with a circular letter from the planning department.
Residents who have already sent in comments will not need to resubmit them.
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