Sutton North Lib Dem Councillors

Cllr Sam Cumber, Cllr Ruth Dombey and Chris Hawton working hard for Sutton North all year round Learn more

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Feedback from September Local Committee meeting

by Sam, Ruth and Chris on 20 September, 2017

The September Local Committee was again well attended, and those present benefited from first class presentations on safety issues and the current hospitals’ consultation.

There was an update on the impact of the Grenfell fire disaster on high rise blocks in Sutton.  We were told that the new cladding at Chaucer House had passed the government’s safety test.  The block has already got sprinklers and alarms, but safety visits have been stepped up, and residents have had home visits to outline fire risks and safety procedures. Questions raised about private sector flats – see our separate story for more details.

Our local police community support officer gave a lively talk about home safety, warning about bogus callers, and reminding us all to keep our houses and cars secure.  You can help by joining Neighbourhood Watch . We also heard about plans to close the police front counters in Worcester Park and Wallington and reduce the size of the ward police teams. More details hereIt was good to hear we are now the safest borough in London – we all want to keep it that way.

Kim Stevens told us of the work Trading Standards are doing with other agencies to deal with scams, rogue traders and bogus callers.  If you need advice call the Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline 03454 040506.

Daniel Elkeles, Chief Exec of the Epsom and St Helier Trust, told us that St Helier has the best A&E performance in the south east.  The two hospitals are performing very well and offer a high standard of care, but he is concerned that the poor standard of the buildings, especially St Helier, puts this at risk.

The Trust is currently consulting on a proposal to develop a new acute services hospital at either Epsom, St Helier or the Sutton (Belmont) site. They are not (yet) consulting on the location, just on the principle, before they put a case to government for funding. If a new hospital is built in Belmont, he assured us that there would still be a local A&E and many other hospital services at St Helier and Epsom.

There were lots of questions from residents, so please look at the consultation web site and let them have your views before consultation closes on 30 September.

Council officers gave an update on the parking strategy.  They have now completed their survey of the existing restrictions, and identified all the areas of parking pressure, based on issues raised in the past by councillors and residents.  They are now meeting with councillors to discuss specific areas.  In late October there will be a general questionnaire to all household and this will be followed up by consultation on specific schemes.

The specific Vale Road consultation on extending the hours from 7pm to 10pm ended on 7 Sept, and the results are now being considered.  This is due to be implemented in early October.

A consultation on proposed changes to residents permits in the existing Controlled Parking Zones has just finished and some concerns have been raised.  More details are here.

The Committee received an update on public realm issues.  A planning application to convert the Sutton Green toilet block into a café is now with the planners, and officers have now received costings to take forward the work, expected to be complete by December.  The location for the new cycle stands at the Green has now also been agreed.

The lockable Victoria Gardens gates are on order and will be installed by December.  Councillors are to meet with officers to discuss the best siting of the pedestrian island by Sutton bus garage.  The Committee agreed funding for a new planting area in Grennell Road opposite the school, which local residents are keen to plant and maintain.

The next meeting will be on 5th December at 7pm, venue to be advised.  Do come along, ask your questions, and hear what is going on!


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