Cllr Sam Cumber, Cllr Ruth Dombey and Chris Hawton working hard for Sutton North all year round Learn more
by Sam, Ruth and Chris on 3 February, 2018
The Sutton Local Plan has been through its examination by the government’s Planning inspectorate and is due to be approved by Council on 26 Feb. But we are concerned that this good work will be overturned by Labour’s London Mayor.
Sutton’s Lib Dem Council has fought for a good deal for Sutton’ residents: meeting the need for more local homes while preserving the essential suburban character of the Borough.
It offers:
Sutton (especially the High St) has suffered from the Conservative Government’s policy of unrestricted conversions from offices to flats. This has meant no planning control over issues such as access and parking; no financial contribution to much needed schools and roads; no affordable homes; and a complete focus on 1 and 2 bed, rather than the family homes that residents want.
Labour’s Mayor of London has now published his draft London Plan. His proposals carry greater weight and override Sutton’s Local Plan. Labour’s London Plan will have a devastating impact on Sutton:
Labour’s new London Plan carries greater weight than Sutton’s. It is currently in draft for consultation.
Read the London plan and send in your objections by 2 March here
Ruth, Marlene and Steve
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