Cllr Sam Cumber, Cllr Ruth Dombey and Chris Hawton working hard for Sutton North all year round Learn more
by Sam, Ruth and Chris on 24 March, 2019
The Council has approved an extended conservation area for the High St. This follows on from the work done by the Heritage Action Zone which described the historic development of the High St and the heritage value that remains. One of the project recommendations was that the old conservation area, which only covered the area at the top of the High St, should be revisited. This has now been done, and the area has been redrawn to include many of the fine shopping parades further down. Steve Penneck spoke at the committee considering the proposal and said: ‘Although many of the shop frontages are not special, you just have to look up to see some fine examples of Victorian brickwork and windows on the upper floors.’ The Council will expect development within the area to conserve and enhance the special character of the area. The proposal will now be subject to consultation. We have asked for a presentation to come to the June meeting of the Sutton Local Committee.
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