Sutton North Lib Dem Councillors

Cllr Sam Cumber, Cllr Ruth Dombey and Chris Hawton working hard for Sutton North all year round Learn more

New Edinburgh Rd bus stops installed week of 6 August

by Sam, Ruth and Chris on 27 July, 2018

The new fixed bus stops for the S4 bus in Edinburgh Road will be installed week beginning 6 August.  The S4 currently operates on a hail and ride basis, but there were complaints from passengers and bus operators about the difficulty that bus drivers face in finding suitable safe locations to stop to pick up/drop off passengers.  The bus is used a lot by pupils from Greenshaw School and also provides transport to St Helier hospital.   The proposal, with a map showing the detail of the proposal is here.

The proposal will help to address this problem. Sections of grass verges on the footway will be converted to hardstanding, bus markings will be introduced on the road and parking restrictions extended where necessary.   Consideration has been given to minimising loss of on-street parking, although it will be necessary to give up some parking to accommodate the two bus stops.

The proposal were subject to a full consultation with local residents.  The small number of people responded were very much in favour.







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