Cllr Sam Cumber, Cllr Ruth Dombey and Chris Hawton working hard for Sutton North all year round Learn more
by Sam, Ruth and Chris on 18 November, 2019
Residents will recall that the developers of Helena House, opposite the Green, held an exhibition on 23 and 26 October setting out their proposals for development. They are proposing a nine-storey block of flats, with the frontage along the line of the shops to the north. The developer is currently seeking pre-application advice from Sutton’s planning officers, and we can expect a planning application in the spring.
We accept the need for development on this site. The existing building is unattractive and in a poor state. But we have a number of concerns about this development, which is on a key ‘gateway’ site opposite Sutton Green, marking the northern entrance to the town centre:
The planning application for a six storey block of flats at the Prince Regent, now in a sorry state, was turned down by Sutton Council in April last year. The developer went to appeal, and lost. But many of Sutton’s concerns were overturned by the planning inspector. The inspector refused the appeal only on the grounds of poor design, and that the car parking provision was in excess of what is needed and fails to encourage the use of alternative and more sustainable modes of transport.
This applicant is also in pre-application discussions with Sutton’s Planning Department and we can expect a revised planning application in the spring.
We will keep residents advised on the developments on these two important sites.
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