Sutton North Lib Dem Councillors

Cllr Sam Cumber, Cllr Ruth Dombey and Chris Hawton working hard for Sutton North all year round Learn more

Archive for the ‘High Street’ Category

Prince Regent planning application approved

by Sam, Ruth and Chris on 11 October, 2020

Sutton’s Planning Committee has approved the development of a block of 30 flats on the Prince Regent site.  The development will allow a convenience store to be opened on the neighbouring Sovereign Apartments site, which has not been used since those flats were built.  The Prince Regent site will have a café on the ground […]

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Prince Regent Planning Application to come to next month’s meeting

by Sam, Ruth and Chris on 16 September, 2020

The planning application to build a six story block of 30 flats on the derelict Prince Regent site is likely to come to the Planning Committee on 7 October.  The meeting will start at 7.30pm, and is being held online.  You will be able to view it on the Council’s You Tube Channel. The plans […]

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Council turns down Helena House Planning application

by Sam, Ruth and Chris on 5 September, 2020

The Council has turned down an application to build an eight storey apartment block on the Helena House site. For further details on the application see our earlier post here. As your ward councillors we had objected to the proposal because of its height, which is well above what the Local Plan will allow for […]

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Meeting the needs for housing in Sutton Town Centre

by Sam, Ruth and Chris on 15 June, 2020

There is a shortage of housing in this country, and all local councils have to agree Government-imposed housing targets as part of their Local Plan.  Sutton has agreed a target of 427 homes for the Borough each year over the next few years. When we consulted on the Local Plan, residents told us that whilst […]

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New plans to make walking and cycling safer during lockdown.

by Sam, Ruth and Chris on 24 May, 2020

Sutton Council is launching plans to make walking and cycling safer at nine key locations during lockdown. These temporary measures for safer, active streets are part of the Council’s response to the COVID-19 situation and will help ensure social distancing and improve local air quality in advance of more business premises opening in early June. […]

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New Planning Application received for Prince Regent site

by Sam, Ruth and Chris on 11 May, 2020

A planning application has been received to demolish the derelict Prince Regent pub and build a six storey block of flats.   The application (No. DM2020/00532) can be found on the Sutton Planning website here. Residents will recall the previous history of the site.  An application (No. 2016/75941) to build a 6-8 storey block of 41 […]

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Planning application to redevelop Helena House

by Sam, Ruth and Chris on 20 April, 2020

Planning application No DM2020/00476 has been received to redevelop Helena House, opposite Sutton Green. The proposal is for the demolition of the existing building and the erection of a part-5, part-8 storey building to provide two commercial/retail units on the ground floor with 41 flats above, with cycle and bin storage, disabled parking and a […]

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Sutton Cock Sign being restored

by Sam, Ruth and Chris on 17 March, 2020

The famous Sutton High Street Crossroads cockerel sign is currently being restored and will return again next month. The Grade II listed landmark’s history originates in a public house called ‘The Cock’ and owned by Gentleman Jackson (1769-1845). The Cock pub sported a sign which hung from a timber goal-post straddling Sutton High Street. The work […]

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Local committee to discuss Climate Emergency

by Sam, Ruth and Chris on 17 February, 2020

The next meeting of the Local Committee will be on 27 February at 7pm at the Holy Family Church Hall, Sorrento Road.  The papers are here. There will be a presentation on the Climate Emergency.  Sutton Council has stepped up its commitment to tackling carbon emissions and rising temperatures by declaring a ‘Climate Change Emergency’.  […]

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Planning update: Helena House and the Prince Regent

by Sam, Ruth and Chris on 18 November, 2019

Residents will recall that the developers of Helena House, opposite the Green, held an exhibition on 23 and 26 October setting out their proposals for development.  They are proposing a nine-storey block of flats, with the frontage along the line of the shops to the north.  The developer is currently seeking pre-application advice from Sutton’s […]

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