Sutton North Lib Dem Councillors

Cllr Sam Cumber, Cllr Ruth Dombey and Chris Hawton working hard for Sutton North all year round Learn more

Archive for the ‘High Street’ Category

Local Committee cancelled

by Sam, Ruth and Chris on 20 February, 2018

The Sutton Local Committee Meeting planned for 1 March was cancelled due to weather conditions.   It has not been possible to find an alternative date.  The next meeting is planned for Thursday 7 June   Ruth, Marlene and Steve

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New planning application for flats on the Prince Regent site

by Sam, Ruth and Chris on 5 February, 2018

A new planning application (No: B2017/78658) has been received by the Council to redevelop on the Prince Regent site, opposite Sutton Green.  The proposal is for the demolition of the existing former public house at 342-346 High Street and erection of a six storey (plus basement) building to provide 154 square metres of flexible A1/A2/A3 […]

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Stop the Labour Mayor’s plans to concrete over Sutton

by Sam, Ruth and Chris on 3 February, 2018

The Sutton Local Plan has been through its examination by the government’s Planning inspectorate and is due to be approved by Council on 26 Feb.  But we are concerned that this good work will be overturned by Labour’s London Mayor. Sutton’s Lib Dem Council has fought for a good deal for Sutton’ residents:  meeting the […]

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Following requests from Local Councillors, Ruth, Marlene and Steve, the Council’s Environment and Neighbourhoods Committee has allocated funding for the coming financial year for two important road safety schemes. The first is in Collingwood Road and follows requests from Westbourne School and residents in the road to help reduce traffic speeds and increase safety for […]

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Town centre update

by Sam, Ruth and Chris on 3 February, 2018

Lots happening in the High St over the next few weeks. Sutton Library will be reopening again this spring after its major refurbishment.  The children’s library is being be moved downstairs to a more accessible space and create a stimulating and safe environment for children and parents to use, right next to the cafe.  The bulk […]

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Protecting the heritage of the High Street

by Sam, Ruth and Chris on 22 October, 2017

Sutton Town Centre is on the verge of significant change. Nearly 50 sites have been identified for redevelopment, which will deliver more than 5,000 new homes, as well as increased retail and commercial space. While this is good news for the future of the town centre, we need to preserve the character of Sutton in the midst of such […]

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From disused toilet block to brand new cafe

by Sam, Ruth and Chris on 8 October, 2017

Good news! The planning application has been submitted to turn the disused toilet block on Sutton Green into a cafe. The cafe will also provide toilet facilities available to the public without requiring a purchase. When approved, work will begin to realise the inspirational vision of local architects Steven and Kayleigh Harp of Harp & Harp Ltd who worked closely with a local catering company […]

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St Nicholas Church upgraded to Grade 2* Listed building

by Sam, Ruth and Chris on 3 October, 2017

One of the first results of the setting up of a heritage Action Zone for Sutton town centre has been the upgrading of St Nicholas Church to grade 2* Listed status. This means that the church is now considered one of the borough’s premier heritage buildings. There is only one Grade 1 Listed Building (the […]

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Sutton Green toilet block to become a cafe?

by Sam, Ruth and Chris on 2 April, 2017

Ruth, Marlene and Steve have been for some time trying to find an alternative use for the toilet block on Sutton Green, which has been closed for some years.  Simply re-opening it as toilets is not an option, given the costs of maintaining it, especially as at some time in the past it had been […]

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Pizza deliveries – slow down!

by Sam, Ruth and Chris on 2 April, 2017

Residents had contacted us about the dangerous driving of some of the Domino’s pizza delivery bikes.  We contacted the police who have discussed with Domino’s local manager. He was already aware of the issue and receptive to what the police were saying. He said he has had to terminate employment with some of his drivers […]

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