Sutton North Lib Dem Councillors

Cllr Sam Cumber, Cllr Ruth Dombey and Chris Hawton working hard for Sutton North all year round Learn more

Archive for the ‘High Street’ Category

Sutton town centre becomes a Heritage Action Zone

by Sam, Ruth and Chris on 31 March, 2017

Sutton town centre has been chosen as one of the first ten Heritage Action Zones by Historic England, the driving force behind this nationwide initiative.  Sutton joins Appleby, Coventry, Elsecar, Hull, King’s Lynn, Nottingham, Ramsgate, Sunderland and Weston-super-Mare. The town centre is home to notable examples of architecture from the late Victorian era, the 1930s, […]

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Prince Regent ‘Locally listed’

by Sam, Ruth and Chris on 31 March, 2017

Sutton Council’s Housing, Economy and Business Committee agreed on 21 March to grant the Prince Regent ‘locally listed’ status. The report considered by Committee noted that the property was originally a row of late 18th or 19th Century cottages. They were of a vernacular design with horizontal timber cladding and sash windows. In the early […]

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Sutton North residents had their say and learnt about a range of initiatives at a well-attended Sutton Local Committee meeting on 14 March.  Chaired by Cllr Marlene Heron, the committee considered: The ‘Sutton Plan’. Not to be confused with the Local Plan which sets out planning policies, the ‘Sutton Plan’ will set out how the […]

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Prince Regent pub recommended for Local Listing

by Sam, Ruth and Chris on 10 March, 2017

Council officers have recommended that the Prince Regent should be locally listed.  Members of the Housing, Economy and Business Committee of the Council will consider this recommendation at their meeting on Tues 21 March at 7.30pm. Historic England advises that “creating a local heritage list is a way for local communities to identify and celebrate […]

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Planning refused for Prince Regent site

by Sam, Ruth and Chris on 6 March, 2017

We are pleased to be able to report that planning application to develop the Prince Regent site has been turned down.  The proposal was for a 6 to 8 storey building with basement to provide 41 flats (9 x one-bed; 20 x two-bed; and 2 x three-bed).  The decision from the Council can be accessed here. […]

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Fairtrade fortnight

by Sam, Ruth and Chris on 25 February, 2017

The annual Fairtrade fortnight is upon us again –  27  February to 12 March.  On Saturday 4th March between 10 am and 4 pm there will be a display of Fairtrade goods and literature at the new Sainsburys in Sutton High Street, together with samples for the public to try and a Quiz with prizes for children. […]

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Pedestrian crossing at Angel Hill update

by Sam, Ruth and Chris on 25 February, 2017

You will recall that we have been consulting about a proposal to improve safety for pedestrians crossing Angel Hill at the junction with All Saints and Vermont Roads.  The results are shown below: We Asked In December 2016 the Council carried out a Consultation on a proposal to introduce a signalised crossing at the Angel […]

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Demolition of Prince Regent turned down

by Sam, Ruth and Chris on 5 February, 2017

The planning application for the demolition of The Prince Regent public house has been turned down by Council officers. The application has been refused on two grounds; the first reason  relates to the removal of permitted development rights while the Asset of Community Value nomination is being considered; and the second reason for refusal relates […]

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Residents have their say at Local Committee meeting

by Sam, Ruth and Chris on 11 January, 2017

The meeting of Sutton Local Committee on 13 December in the Europa Gallery gave a large number of residents an opportunity to give their views on a range of local issues. It was encouraging to see so many of you there.  If you missed it, the agenda and papers can be found here: As it […]

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Further consultation on Sutton Local Plan begins

by Sam, Ruth and Chris on 11 January, 2017

SUTTON LOCAL PLAN What is it? The Sutton Local Plan sets out the Council’s long-term aims and aspirations for the borough for the next fifteen years, and provides a consistent basis for deciding planning applications. It deals with subjects such as: major new regeneration areas, new housing development, retail, office and industrial development, infrastructure provision […]

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