Sutton North Lib Dem Councillors

Cllr Sam Cumber, Cllr Ruth Dombey and Chris Hawton working hard for Sutton North all year round Learn more

Archive for the ‘High Street’ Category

More progress to brighten up the High St

by Sam, Ruth and Chris on 7 January, 2017

More is being done to brighten up the northern end of the High St as part of the ‘Market Place Sutton’ project.  (See here for earlier reports). Planning permission has been granted for two ‘pop up’ shop kiosks outside Asda’s. Art murals inspired by H G Wells have been erected in Manor Place by the […]

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Flats proposed for Prince Regent site

by Sam, Ruth and Chris on 14 December, 2016

A planning application has been received to demolish the Prince Regent pub and build a 9 storey block of flats. Residents will recall that last month the Government de-listed the Prince Regent Pub clearing the way for the pub to be demolished and redeveloped.  The planning application follows on from the exhibition held by the […]

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Prince Regent Pub De-listed

by Sam, Ruth and Chris on 12 December, 2016

We are concerned to hear that the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport has decided to remove the former Cricketers’ Inn (Prince Regent) from the List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest.  This is despite the letter sent in by local councillors and a petition from local residents.  Details of these […]

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Proposal for pedestrian safety improvement at Angel Hill Junction

by Sam, Ruth and Chris on 3 December, 2016

The Council has secured  funding from Transport for London to carry out improvements to the Angel Hill Junction (junction with All Saints Road and Sutton Common Road).  Residents had told Councillors about the lack of pedestrian facilities at the Angel Hill junction.  All Saints (Benhilton) School was also concerned about the safety of parents with […]

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Report back from Sutton Local Committee 6 Sept 2016 Thanks to the many residents who came to the Local committee meeting on 6 Sept at Sutton Grammar School and participated in the debates.  It was encouraging to see so many of you there.  If you missed it, an audio recording can be found here: […]

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Plans to de-list Prince Regent Pub

by Sam, Ruth and Chris on 19 August, 2016

Following a consultation with residents in the Sutton Green area, your local councillors have sent a response to Historic England to de-list this pub, part of which was built in the early 19th century and is a grade II listed building. Our submission is here. The pub was formerly called the Cricketers, and dates from the […]

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Big Dance Bus brings life to the High Street

by Sam, Ruth and Chris on 10 July, 2016

The Big Dance Bus came to the High St (outside Asda) on 9 July, bringing energy and life to this part of the High St. Part of the Council’s plan to rejuvenate this neglected part of the High St, this is part of a programme of summer events.  It follows on from a consultation with […]

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Thanks to the many residents who came to the Local Committee meeting on 7 June and participated in the debates.  It was encouraging to see so many of you there. Among the many issues discussed were: plans to consult residents around Greenshaw school about additional parking restrictions in the area. These are needed to manage […]

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The Council will be temporarily closing Crown Road between its junctions with Brandon Road and St Nicholas Way, and the High Street between its junctions with Crown Road and Vale Road, immediately after Easter with only one road closure in place at a time. This is to enable the following to take place… Surface water connection to […]

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Sutton 2031 – your chance to plan our future

by Sam, Ruth and Chris on 19 February, 2016

Sutton Council has launched a major consultation into the development and growth of the borough over the next 15 years.  Further details are here. Sutton 2031 asks people to help shape a new Local Plan, the document that provides the planning framework for future development. Between 18 February and 8 April, all are encouraged to […]

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