Sutton North Lib Dem Councillors

Cllr Sam Cumber, Cllr Ruth Dombey and Chris Hawton working hard for Sutton North all year round Learn more

Archive for the ‘Planning’ Category

Sutton Council has approved plans to build a single storey day nursery and play scheme at St Helier hospital.  The application was similar to a previous application which was withdrawn after concerns were expressed about the impact on the biodiversity of the site.  An application for a slightly smaller nursery was approved in 2013, but […]

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Planning appeal for 27 Montrose Gardens turned down

by Sam, Ruth and Chris on 25 May, 2018

The Planning Inspector has upheld Sutton’s decision to turn down a planning application to replace the existing garage at 27 Montrose Gardens with a one bedroom single storey house. The Inspector said:  ‘The replacement of the garage with a small dwelling, set behind the established building line of the more substantial semi-detached houses, would comprise […]

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Prince Regent application refused

by Sam, Ruth and Chris on 18 April, 2018

Sutton Council has refused the planning application (no B2017/78658) to develop the Prince Regent site into a six storey block of flats.  Cllr Steve Penneck had de-delegated the application, meaning that it would be referred to the Planning Committee for decision if needed but given the decision to refuse, that is no longer necessary. Planning Committee […]

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Heritage of Sutton North listed

by Sam, Ruth and Chris on 17 March, 2018

The recently adopted Sutton Local Plan includes an updated list of Locally Listed Buildings.  You can find it here. The document guides planning decisions and is covered by policy 30 ​of the Local Plan which specifically says that the Council will encourage the retention, repair and reuse of Locally Listed Buildings and Structures. Locally Listed Buildings in Sutton […]

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New planning application for flats on the Prince Regent site

by Sam, Ruth and Chris on 5 February, 2018

A new planning application (No: B2017/78658) has been received by the Council to redevelop on the Prince Regent site, opposite Sutton Green.  The proposal is for the demolition of the existing former public house at 342-346 High Street and erection of a six storey (plus basement) building to provide 154 square metres of flexible A1/A2/A3 […]

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Planning application to develop Woodend allotments rejected

by Sam, Ruth and Chris on 5 February, 2018

The planning application (B2017/76180)  to build  on the former allotments between Woodend and Greenhill has been refused.   The application proposed building two 5 – bedroomed, four 4 – bedroomed and two 3 – bedroomed two storey houses with roof accommodation together with 21 car parking spaces, vehicular access from Woodend and associated landscaping.  It also […]

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Stop the Labour Mayor’s plans to concrete over Sutton

by Sam, Ruth and Chris on 3 February, 2018

The Sutton Local Plan has been through its examination by the government’s Planning inspectorate and is due to be approved by Council on 26 Feb.  But we are concerned that this good work will be overturned by Labour’s London Mayor. Sutton’s Lib Dem Council has fought for a good deal for Sutton’ residents:  meeting the […]

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Town centre update

by Sam, Ruth and Chris on 3 February, 2018

Lots happening in the High St over the next few weeks. Sutton Library will be reopening again this spring after its major refurbishment.  The children’s library is being be moved downstairs to a more accessible space and create a stimulating and safe environment for children and parents to use, right next to the cafe.  The bulk […]

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Planning application for a day nursery at St Helier Hospital

by Sam, Ruth and Chris on 24 September, 2017

A planning application (No: B2017/77893/FUL)  has been received to build a single storey day nursery and play scheme at the back of St Helier Hospital  The proposal includes classrooms, baby sleep rooms and associated accommodation together with buggy and refuse stores, landscaping with external play areas and fencing up to 2.13m in height.  The application […]

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Residents win planning appeal in Benhilton Gardens

by Sam, Ruth and Chris on 24 September, 2017

Residents will recall that the planning application to build four single story dwellings at the rear of 15 to 16 Benhilton Gardens (B2016/75814) was turned down by Sutton Council in January this year. The applicant appealed against this decision to the Planning Inspectorate. We have now heard that the Inspectorate have UPHELD the Council’s decision, […]

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