Sutton North Lib Dem Councillors

Cllr Sam Cumber, Cllr Ruth Dombey and Chris Hawton working hard for Sutton North all year round Learn more

Archive for the ‘Planning’ Category

Planning Application for Southfield Court approved

by Sam, Ruth and Chris on 10 August, 2017

The Planning Committee approved an application to vary the existing planning consent for the new block (which replaces the garages) at its meeting on the 9 August.  The variation sought was a change from eight 1-bed flats to seven 2-bed and one 1-bed flats. Cllr Steve Penneck had de-delegated the application, requiring it to be […]

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Prince Regent ‘Locally listed’

by Sam, Ruth and Chris on 31 March, 2017

Sutton Council’s Housing, Economy and Business Committee agreed on 21 March to grant the Prince Regent ‘locally listed’ status. The report considered by Committee noted that the property was originally a row of late 18th or 19th Century cottages. They were of a vernacular design with horizontal timber cladding and sash windows. In the early […]

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Residents in the area will recall that a planning application was submitted earlier this year to build houses on the former allotments site in Sutton Garden Suburb, between Greenhill, Woodend, and Aultone Way.  This application was put on hold as it was incorrectly described.  This has now been put right and the application is now […]

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Prince Regent pub recommended for Local Listing

by Sam, Ruth and Chris on 10 March, 2017

Council officers have recommended that the Prince Regent should be locally listed.  Members of the Housing, Economy and Business Committee of the Council will consider this recommendation at their meeting on Tues 21 March at 7.30pm. Historic England advises that “creating a local heritage list is a way for local communities to identify and celebrate […]

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Planning refused for Prince Regent site

by Sam, Ruth and Chris on 6 March, 2017

We are pleased to be able to report that planning application to develop the Prince Regent site has been turned down.  The proposal was for a 6 to 8 storey building with basement to provide 41 flats (9 x one-bed; 20 x two-bed; and 2 x three-bed).  The decision from the Council can be accessed here. […]

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Permission granted for new flats on garage block at Southfields Court

by Sam, Ruth and Chris on 28 February, 2017

The Planning Committee approved application no. B2016/75975 to demolish the garage block at the rear of Southfields Court and build eight one-bedroom flats in a two-storey block. A similar application had been turned down last June on the grounds that the demolition of the garages would increase pressure on street parking in the area.  In […]

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Southfields Court development recommended for approval

by Sam, Ruth and Chris on 21 February, 2017

Officers are recommending that a proposal for a two storey block of 8 one-bedroom flats in the garage area behind Southfield Court, Sutton Common Road is approved by the Planning Committee due to meet on 22 February. A previous application was turned down as the parking was insufficient, but this appears to have been addressed. […]

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Demolition of Prince Regent turned down

by Sam, Ruth and Chris on 5 February, 2017

The planning application for the demolition of The Prince Regent public house has been turned down by Council officers. The application has been refused on two grounds; the first reason  relates to the removal of permitted development rights while the Asset of Community Value nomination is being considered; and the second reason for refusal relates […]

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Update on Garden Suburb allotments planning application

by Sam, Ruth and Chris on 5 February, 2017

The planning application to build on the former allotment site between Woodend and Greenhill has been declared invalid. The application described the development as six 4 bed and two 3 bedroom houses, while the plans submitted with the application showed that they were two 5 bedroom,  four 4 bedroom and two 3 bedroom houses. We pointed out this discrepancy […]

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Planning appeal in Blenheim Road allowed

by Sam, Ruth and Chris on 2 February, 2017

Sutton Council has received six separate planning applications for 42 Blenheim Road over the last two years, to develop blocks of flats, a detached house or a semi detached house.  All have been refused by the Council because of the impact on this narrow road of cottage-style houses. However all developers have the right of […]

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