Sutton North Lib Dem Councillors

Cllr Sam Cumber, Cllr Ruth Dombey and Chris Hawton working hard for Sutton North all year round Learn more

Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Conservation area approved for Town Centre

by Sam, Ruth and Chris on 24 March, 2019

The Council has approved an extended conservation area for the High St.  This follows on from the work done by the Heritage Action Zone which described the historic development of the High St and the heritage value that remains.  One of the project recommendations was that the old conservation area, which only covered the area […]

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Local Committee meeting this Thursday

by Sam, Ruth and Chris on 23 March, 2019

The next meeting is on this Thursday 28 March at 7pm at the Salvation Army.  The main items on the agenda are presentations on adult social care, and on hate crime.  The committee will consider installing a circular park bench in Benhill Recreation ground as a memorial to former Councillor Janet Lowne, who died in […]

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A proposal for the erection of nine two storey houses with accommodation at roof level together with open space, pavilion and allotment plots has been received by the Planning Department. It can be viewed at the planning web site here. Comments must be sent to the Planning Dept by 22 April (this was 12 A […]

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Request for use of All Weather pitch for Car Boot Sales

by Sam, Ruth and Chris on 12 December, 2018

We have received a request from the car boot sale operator on the St Helier open space to move to the All Weather pitch on Rosehill Park from February to April on Wednesdays mornings.  They want to move as the St Helier field cannot be used in the winter. We have concerns about the impact […]

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Sign up for local news

by Sam, Ruth and Chris on 12 December, 2018

We like to keep our residents informed about local news, issues and campaigns. If you would like to hear more from us, please sign up here.

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Collingwood Road: proposals to address road safety

by Sam, Ruth and Chris on 16 November, 2018

Residents in the Collingwood Road area will shortly be consulted on proposals to improve safety in the road.  Many people have raised concerns with us about speeding traffic and heavy lorries. There are particular concerns for parents taking their children to Westbourne School.  Look out for a letter from the Council explaining the proposals, which […]

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Nominate someone special for a community award

by Sam, Ruth and Chris on 16 October, 2018

Nominations are now open for Sutton’s Community Awards, recognising individuals and groups who have made an outstanding contribution in the borough over the past 12 months. Each year, the Sutton Council Community Awards recognises individuals and groups who have made an exceptional contribution to making Sutton a better place to live.   The categories include Young […]

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More trees for Sutton North?

by Sam, Ruth and Chris on 16 October, 2018

Two initiatives are set to increase the number of trees in our area.  The first, from the Woodland Trust invites you to apply for two free trees: The deadline for this is 5 November. The second initiative comes from The Mayor of London who is working with The Conservation Volunteers to give away 25,000 trees […]

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Sutton Green cafe to open end September

by Sam, Ruth and Chris on 11 September, 2018

The work on the café on Sutton Green has proved to be more intensive than was planned, but is now nearly complete.  The cafe will open at the end of September. The first stage of the project was to completely remove all the internal fittings and walls. The old toilets were completely gutted. Then the […]

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Community safety day on 2 August

by Sam, Ruth and Chris on 27 July, 2018

Come along to the Community Safety Day for Older People on Thursday 2nd August 2018. There will be over 30 organisations in attendance to offer you FREE help and advice on how to stay safe in and out of your homes and to avoid becoming a victim of fraud and scams. The event is being […]

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