Sutton North Lib Dem Councillors

Cllr Sam Cumber, Cllr Ruth Dombey and Chris Hawton working hard for Sutton North all year round Learn more

Archive for the ‘Planning’ Category

Your views wanted on the town centre street scene

by Sam, Ruth and Chris on 16 September, 2019

The London Borough of Sutton is consulting on its Draft Sutton Town Centre Public Realm Design Guide and welcomes your views on the draft document. In particular, they would like to hear from you on the place-based projects (Chapter 3) and the town centre-wide projects (Chapter 4). The draft Guide sets out projects and guidelines to […]

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Liveable Neighbourhoods – have your say

by Sam, Ruth and Chris on 13 September, 2019

As part of its commitment to make the Borough ‘a great place to live, work and raise a family’, Sutton Council is preparing a bid to Transport for London for funding to make it easier for residents to access Sutton town centre and create stronger neighbourhoods. If successful, we hope to invest in the Borough’s […]

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Rosehill School turned down

by Sam, Ruth and Chris on 12 September, 2019

Sutton’s Planning Committee has refused permission for the new school in Rosehill Park.  The committee agreed that the Conservative government’s proposal for a new school fell far short of what was needed and gave seven reasons why the application was refused. The officers’ report which was considered at the meeting on 10 Sept at Holy […]

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Prince Regent appeal against planning refusal rejected

by Sam, Ruth and Chris on 15 July, 2019

The Planning inspector has agreed with Sutton Council and rejected an appeal by Mizen properties for a proposal for a six-storey block of flats. The planning inspector had identified four key issues: His view was that the large elevation would have an unacceptably negative effect on the street scene, in this prominent position. It is […]

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Prince Regent appeal hearing

by Sam, Ruth and Chris on 11 June, 2019

In April last year Sutton Council turned down a planning application for a five-storey development of 30 flats on the Prince Regent site. The main reasons for refusal were the lack of affordable housing and the harm that the layout and design would cause to the surrounding area. The developer has appealed against this decision. […]

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We hope that many of you were able to attend the drop in at the tennis centre on Weds 3 April to see the plans for the new school on the disused artificial pitch and part of the tennis centre.  If not you can see the plans and register your comments here, by 12 April.  […]

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The planning application to erect a detached four bedroomed house with a new access from Grennell Road has been refused by Sutton Council.  A previous application for a house on this site was turned down by the Council in 2017. The officers have given several reasons for refusing the application.   These include: it would result […]

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In March, Sutton Council turned down a planning application (no. DM2018/00163) for the construction of four houses on land to the rear of 53, 55 and 57 Aultone Way. The applicant appealed against the decision, and we have now heard that the Planning Inspector has upheld Sutton’s decision. The Inspector said: ‘In this location, the […]

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Feedback from June meeting of Sutton Local Committee

by Sam, Ruth and Chris on 11 June, 2018

Another good Local Committee meeting with plenty of discussion with community representatives and local residents. Alison Navarro told us about the work of Community Action Sutton (formerly Sutton CVS).  They provide support and advice to local community groups and charities.  So if any of you are involved with local groups which need a bit of advice with […]

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Next Sutton Local Committee on Thursday 7 june

by Sam, Ruth and Chris on 3 June, 2018

The next meeting of Sutton Local Committee is on Thurs 7 June at 7pm at the Salvation Army in Benhill Avenue. This is the first meeting after the local elections. Apart from the usual public question time, a chance to ask questions on any local issue not already on the agenda, there will be a […]

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