Sutton North Lib Dem Councillors

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Archive for the ‘Aultone Way’ Category

Planning application for Medical Centre at 50 Rose Hill

by Sam, Ruth and Chris on 10 July, 2016

An outline planning application has been received for a Medical Centre at 50 Rose Hill.  As this is an outline application, there are no details at this stage.  This means that only the principle of development as a medical centre is to be considered.  If this is approved a further ‘detailed’ application will need to be […]

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Parking proposals amended in the light of residents’ views

by Sam, Ruth and Chris on 6 July, 2016

You will recall that residents were recently consulted on a range of parking proposals to help alleviate some of the safety and access issues caused by heavy parking near Greenshaw school.  Many thanks to all of you who wrote in with your views.  Some people wanted more restrictions; others wanted fewer.  Throughout this exercise we […]

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by Sam, Ruth and Chris on 17 June, 2016

Many residents have contacted us with complaints and concerns about safety and access in the local area. We have worked closely with residents to help the Council develop proposals for limited parking controls and other safety measures in the Grennell Road area. Click on these links for a fuller note of the proposals, and for […]

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Residents have been consulted over a range of parking measures.  These measures are designed to improve road safety, mainly by improving sight lines at junctions, and also to improve access.  They include: by some of the shops in Angel Hill on the corners of Leafield Rd, Burford Rd and Minster Ave on the corner of […]

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Traffic and parking problems near Greenshaw school

by Sam, Ruth and Chris on 28 April, 2016

Residents will be aware of the traffic and parking problems caused by the construction activity at Greenshaw school.  Plans are on track for the new extension to be ready by September, and the school will then expand by an additional 60 pupils over each of the next five years. When the proposal was considered by […]

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Sutton Garden Suburb allotments planning update

by Sam, Ruth and Chris on 15 February, 2016

PLANNING APPLICATION RECOMMENDED FOR REFUSAL Allotment Garden bounded by Woodend, Greenhill and Aultone Way and part of 42 Woodend Sutton SM1 3LJ Application No: B2015/73359/FUL The proposal to develop the former allotments with five 4 – bedroomed and four 5 – bedroomed two storey detached houses with roof accommodation together with car parking (18 spaces […]

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Pavements and grass verges in Aultone Way

by Sam, Ruth and Chris on 7 February, 2016

Residents have asked about the state of progress on the new footways and grass verges in Aultone Way.  They have also expressed concern about the standard of work.  We appreciate the concern this has caused in the recent wet weather. Ruth, Marlene and Steve have taken this up with Council Officers and can report that: […]

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